Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Consider my sources:

"Text of President Trump's ObamaCare Executive Order." Fox News. FOX News Network, 20 Jan. 2017. Web. 31 Jan. 2017. <http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/01/20/text-president-trumps-obamacare-executive-order.html>.

This is the text on Trumps executive order to reduce Obamacare in the United States by making it more flexible. That means that they will do anything that they can under the law to delay this act to lessen some of the financial burden that Obamacare has put on the states. This article is targeted to the American people, so that they can be informed on this new executive order. It is set up into six different sections each one highlighting what the act will do ease the burden of Obamacare. This adds to the overall purpose, which is to reassure all Americans on this controversial issue by showing them all of the positive things that this executive order is going to do.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Consider my sources:

Lee, MJ, and Tami Luhby. "Trump Issues Executive Order to Start Rolling Back Obamacare." CNN. Cable News Network, Jan.  2017. Web. 31 Jan. 2017. <http://www.cnn.com/2017/01/20/politics/trump-signs-executive-order-on-obamacare/>.

Trump is issuing an executive order to reduce Obamacare, which has the potential to affect almost 20 million US citizens. Before being elected he promised to repeal this act and has been working on coming up with a new plan. Now many Republicans who have been so adamant about taking away Obamacare, have seen that this is going to be something a lot more challenging then they expected. CNN is targeting this message to the Americans who will be affected by this. They are showing how much more complex the situation is then a lot of politicians, specifically the Republicans, have led on. They did this by quoting professors and vice presidents of foundations to emphasize how lengthy the process of repealing Obamacare will be. Along with using different headings to break up the article to get their overall point across like “Even as they repeal Obamacare, Republicans still have to fund it” or when they stated that “Republican lawmakers are quickly learning how difficult it will be to overhaul the law”. All of this goes with the theme that repealing Obamacare is going to be a long and grueling process.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Consider your Topic and Issue

1.      My subject would be healthcare/Obamacare.

2.      I chose this topic because it is currently a huge issue in the United States that I am not really that informed about.

3.      I want to look at healthcare in the United States in general and then look specifically at Obamacare, which is the affordable care act that is currently implemented in the United States. I want to look at both because I know somewhat about the healthcare system, but I probably need to look up more information in order to be able to effectively talk about Obamacare.
4.   I would probably use Wikipedia to get a general idea of what it is and then look at other articles from fox and CNN, since those are both platforms that have strong opinions on this matter.

Monday, January 23, 2017


Women have always struggled to gain the rights that men have had for centuries. Now with the internet, soaring in popularity some women feel that some of their rights are being stripped away from them. Unlike in the past, people can now make fake accounts and say whatever they want to people though social media in particular. Amanda Hess, a female journalist, took it upon herself to write about this in “Why Women Aren’t Welcome on the Internet”. Here she does a superb job explaining, how social media sites like Twitter have given men the opportunity to demean women. Mainly targeting males, who have brushed off these cyberattacks that have been inflicted on her for the past several years. Hess, as both the narrator and author, builds a concrete argument with not only her own personal examples of cyberbullying, but several statistics from women who work in position of powers to the percentage of internet users. All backing up her dispute that the government should take action to stop women from getting abused online. She notes that Twitter has made a couple of adjustments like the report abuse button to help, but ultimately this problem is far too big for them. Hess address that some people believe that you can disconnect from an account to solve this, but in this day and age it seems utterly impossible. Everyone in the world from a 5 year old to a 90 year old seems to have a phone or computer. That’s why she seamlessly adds some visual arguments of cases such as Criado- Perez and her own cyberstalking experience, to help the audience picture how serious some of these online attacks can be. Even as complex as this situation is to solve she was still able to propose an idea to solve it, which is adding an act to the Civil Rights Act. These additions have been affective in the past, so it could potentially help resolve this issue. Either way she uses several rhetorical strategies like ethos, pathos, and logos to emphasize the dire need for change.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Effects of Technology

Throughout the years there has been a rapid rise in technology, giving most people access to a wide variety of resources and tools around the world. The main reason for these inventions are to help everyone connect with one another and collaborate. Charles Seife proposed in “The Loneliness of the Interconnected”, that instead of keeping us connected it has isolated us from reality. Despite having all of this information at our fingertips, we tend to only look at articles, shows, or tweets that support our ideas. Ignoring statements that contradict us even when there are blatant facts proving that what we believe in is wrong. Seife continues to support this by using a wide variety of examples showing some of the extreme cases. Such as the cult that believed that a flying saucer would take them away or the president of South Africa questioning whether HIV caused AIDS. All of them emphasizing how they have been able to find groups of people with the same ideology as them to support their delusion. Seife targets mainly the millennials to understand this problem, since they are the ones who were born in this technological era. They are the ones who have the potential to try to change this behavior by simply being open to more information and looking at both sides of an argument. After that they have the capacity to form their own opinion. Otherwise as a society we will end up going backwards by letting other people spew our thoughts. This is seen on all social media sites nowadays because everyone wants to convince someone else they are right, in order to build up their support group and give themselves power. Selfie does an excellent job showing his audience how technology has affected our opinions or thoughts and even destroyed some people’s lives. Ultimately, he believes that if we all open our ears to the “noise” around us, then we have the potential to use technology in a beneficial way. By looking at the vast array of information that we have to think for ourselves and connect with the world around us.