Monday, January 30, 2017

Consider my sources:

Lee, MJ, and Tami Luhby. "Trump Issues Executive Order to Start Rolling Back Obamacare." CNN. Cable News Network, Jan.  2017. Web. 31 Jan. 2017. <>.

Trump is issuing an executive order to reduce Obamacare, which has the potential to affect almost 20 million US citizens. Before being elected he promised to repeal this act and has been working on coming up with a new plan. Now many Republicans who have been so adamant about taking away Obamacare, have seen that this is going to be something a lot more challenging then they expected. CNN is targeting this message to the Americans who will be affected by this. They are showing how much more complex the situation is then a lot of politicians, specifically the Republicans, have led on. They did this by quoting professors and vice presidents of foundations to emphasize how lengthy the process of repealing Obamacare will be. Along with using different headings to break up the article to get their overall point across like “Even as they repeal Obamacare, Republicans still have to fund it” or when they stated that “Republican lawmakers are quickly learning how difficult it will be to overhaul the law”. All of this goes with the theme that repealing Obamacare is going to be a long and grueling process.

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